以繪本《Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?》為起點,透過探索聲音、說白節奏、歌唱律動與直笛習奏,帶領學生認識節奏與音高。延續主題至影片《海洋回憶》(Ocean Memories)賞析活動,探討氣候變遷、環境保護的議題,同時結合世界地球日Earth Day及SDGs氣候行動Climate Action,以藝術為視角、音樂為媒介,啟發孩子對環境的感知與共情,並且轉化為實際的行動落實於生活。
Starting with “Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?”, they learned about rhythm and pitch through songs. The theme expanded to Ocean Memories,exploring climate change and environmental protection. Linked with Earth Day and SDGs Climate Action, the children were inspired through art and music to develop environmental awareness and turn it into action in their daily lives.