


地點 : 本館第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 國立嘉義大學視覺藝術系


聚焦賞析:本活動是嘉義大學視覺藝術系110 級應屆畢業生的藝術展覽,也是每位學生為自己的夢想而前進,四年間點滴累積的成果。

The name of the exhibition is “Harvesting Our Hard Work.” It implies they work hard day after day over these four years. Each artwork is compared to a panicle of rice, which takes effort and time to reach maturity. The graduation exhibition being held in summer also implies their hard work is leading toward a good harvest.

Focus:This art exhibition is organized by the 110 graduates of the Department of Visual Arts, National Chiayi University. It also presents the accumulation of their achievements, which takes them four years to carry out their dreams.
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