


活動期間 :110-12-21~111-2-16
地點 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術教育館

To improve students’ art and creativity literacy, cultivate the public’s taste in art appreciation, and implement art education on campus, a National Student Art Competition is held. The competition is composed of seven categories: for elementary school students: paintings, Chinese calligraphy, graphic designs, comics, Chinese ink paintings, prints; for junior high school students, senior high school (vocational school) students, and college students: western paintings, Chinese calligraphy, graphic designs, comics, Chinese ink paintings, prints. From elementary school students to college students, there are 55 groups altogether. The exhibition showcases the award-winning works of the National Student Art Competition in the 110th academic year.
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