


表演日期、時間 : 110-12-10~110-12-19
地點 : 南海劇場
類別 : 戲劇
主辦單位 : 台南人劇團
進場方式 : 售票

【不同結局 隨你挑選】
12/10(五) 19:30 Déjà vu
歌曲:Over the Rainbow
12/11(六) 14:30 重生
19:30 If I Never Knew You
歌曲:Hiding My Heart
12/12(日) 14:30 默默
歌曲:On and on
12/17(五) 19:30 默默
歌曲:On and on
12/18(六) 14:30 Déjà vu
歌曲:Over the Rainbow
19:30 重生
12/19(日) 14:30 If I Never Knew You
歌曲:Hiding My Hear

Turn the doorknob and open the door to travel through time. Six people, each with their regrets, gain this one chance to start all over again. While tangled in love triangles, when there is a possibility for another ending, there comes the time to face the choices of family, romantic love, and friendship as well as surging doubts and feeling lost.
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