

5/28-6/5 第七屆海峽兩岸粉彩作品邀請展

活動期間 :5/28-6/5
地點 : 本館第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 台灣粉彩藝術推廣協會

這是海峽兩岸唯一的粉彩名家及專業級的聯展。共123幅作品,台灣85幅,大陸38幅。台灣由本會傑出會員經過嚴格的評審機制才能參展。受邀的38位大陸名家來自各地。目標就是要經過交流提升水準, 並進而達到對粉彩的推廣。
It is the only pastel art group exhibition with professional quality for famed pastel painters from both Taiwan and China. There are a total of one hundred and twenty-three pastel paintings in the exhibition. 85 pieces are from Taiwan, and 38 pieces are created by painters from China. Only outstanding members of our society who passed our strict review procedure are participating in this exhibition. The 38 Chinese painters who have participated upon our invitation come from various regions. Our goal is to increase professionalism through such cultural exchange and ultimately promote pastel painting.
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