

5/14-22 虛擬廟宇--「文化河流文資串流-淡水河區域歷史紋理與文化資產保存計畫」

活動期間 :5/14-22
地點 : 本館第1、2展覽廳
主辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術大學
協辦單位 : 國立臺灣藝術大學社會責任推動辦公室

The core ideas in implementing “The River of Culture that Streams Information: the Preservation Plan for Historical Texture and Cultural Assets in the Tamsui River basin” are to preserve cultural assets, promote craftsmanship and preserve skills through talent cultivation, and carry out the university’s social responsibility to encourage the public to learn about the culture and values of traditional craftsmanship.
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