

2023秋天藝術節 迪米特里.帕派約安努《INK》

太古與末日並存.黑暗與光明同在 🌑🌕


希臘視覺幻象大師迪米特里.帕派約安努(Dimitris Papaioannou)攜手舞蹈家蘇卡.霍恩(Šuka Horn),於疫情封鎖全球期間創作雙人舞作《INK》。最原始、純粹的元素──水成為核心,從希臘神話中化生萬物之始出發;以尼龍布幔砌成三面流動的牆、透明塑膠板材成為板塊,幻化幾絲光線照耀與反射切割成暗黑又炫麗的魔幻空間。當水灌溉空間的同時,聲響與流向與舞動的肢體相互共鳴。帕派約安努將貧窮藝術(Arte Povera)精神推向極致,兼容表現主義電影感視覺,讓極簡的視覺語言乘載豐富想像力,一粒光點就是宇宙、一片水花就是湧浪,緊勾觀眾的視覺神經。並且使視覺語言交織身體語言,兩個男人在場景中碰撞,當充滿野性、唯美的軀體衝擊屈居黑暗的中年生命,一觸即發的鬥爭旋即展開,馴服與挑釁一來一往,披上當代神話之隱喻。


創作(概念、編導、舞台、服裝、燈光)created (concept, direction, sets, costumes, lights)|迪米特里.帕派約安努(Dimitris Papaioannou)
演出 dressed man/ nude man|迪米特里.帕派約安努(Dimitris Papaioannou)、 蘇卡.霍恩(Šuka Horn)、哈里斯.弗拉古利斯(Haris Fragoulis)
音樂 music|Kornilios Selamsis
聲音設計 sound design|David Blouin
燈光設計 lighting design|Lucien Laborderie, Stephanos Droussiotis
製作人暨助理藝術總監 creative - executive producer - assistant director|Tina Papanikolaou
協同藝術總監 associate director|Haris Fragoulis
演出排練指導 performers’ physical training| Šuka Horn
攝影 photographs + cinematography|Julian Mommert
音樂錄製 music recorded| Teodor Currentzis、musicAeterna orchestra
舞作命名 the name of the play was given by| Aggelos Mendis
章魚道具製作 the octopuses were created by|Nectarios Dionysatos
協同視覺設計 visual design associate| Evangelos Xenodochidis
國際聯絡、宣傳暨巡演經理 international relations – communications manager – tour programmer|Julian Mommert
舞台技術指導 technical director|Manolis Vitsaxakis
舞台監督暨音響工程 stage manager – sound engineer|David Blouin
道具管理暨舞台監督 props master – stage manager|Tzela Christopoulou
燈光編程 lighting programmer|Lucien Laborderie
舞台技術執行 stage technician – rigger|Aggelos Katsolias
執行製作單位 executive production| 2WORKS與POLYPLANITY PRODUCTIONS共同合作
協同執行製作 executive production associate| Vicky Strataki
執行製作助理 executive production assistant| Kali Kavvatha
首演共製單位(2020)|Torinodanza Festival / Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale + Fondazione I Teatri / Festival Aperto – Reggio Emilia
重製及巡演共製單位(2023)|Biennale de la Danse de Lyon 2023, Sadler’s Wells London, MEGARON – THE ATHENS CONCERT HALL

支持單位(2023)|Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports
the first version of INK was commissioned and co-produced by Torinodanza Festival / Teatro Stabile di Torino – Teatro Nazionale + Fondazione I Teatri / Festival Aperto – Reggio Emilia in 2020

the final version of the work and the international tour is co-produced by Biennale de la Danse de Lyon 2023, Sadler’s Wells London, MEGARON – THE ATHENS CONCERT HALL and supported by the Hellenic Ministry of Culture and Sports in 2023


特別感謝|Teodor Currentzis、Dimitris Korres

Dimitris Papaioannou is Artist in Residence at MEGARON – THE ATHENS CONCERT HALL

We especially thank Teodor Currentzis for conducting the music of INK and offering it to us as a gift. Special thanks to Dimitris Korres for his continuous and genius technical support.

時間|10.6 (FRI.) 晚場演後
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